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The membership is open to individuals, interested in computer science in sports and physical education. Membership in the Association consists of the following classes: member, fellow, student member and special member . Membership generally requires the submission of an application accompanied by the appropriate fee as prescribed at the time of the application.


Membership Classes

Member: Membership is open to any individual who is interested in the application of computer science in sports and physical education.

Fellow: Reserved for individuals who have made outstanding contributions to computer science in sports and physical education over a period of years.

Student Members: Membership is open to individuals who are attending institutions of learning as undergraduate or graduates.

Special Member: Membership is open to specialists working in the area of computer science in sports and physical education that are unable to become members in the Association because of national or monetary problems. Individuals in the special membership have all the privileges of membership in the Association.




Professional Membership: Rs. 1,500/-

Student Membership: Rs. 750/-

Special Membership: Rs. 1,500/-


Download Membership Application Form


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